Speed-dates.pl…Most popular event for singles in Poland

Speed-dates is an organized event in which prospective romantic partners meet each other through a series of short one-to-one meetings.
Meetings take place in pubs and clubs across whole Poland in Wrocław, Kraków, Warsaw, Poznań, Trójmiasto, Łódź, Jelenia Góra and other cities during which singles may have a chance to promptly meet a new partner.
Each pair has a five minute chat during, when both of them fill up the questionnaire. If their expectations meet, they will be given a phone number or an e-mail address of the other person. This will help them to continue the relation and, finally, they can arrange the next meeting.
If you’d like to take a part in this fantastic adventure where who knows…maybe you will meet yout better half or at least as good as you are then you can sign up at: