Muzeum Sentymentów in Kowary

The owner succeeded in the incredible art of creating a “time machine” that connects generations: those who were born in 1981 or before, as well as those who are now 50, 70 years and 90 years old. All of them share memories related to the objects that can be seen in the Museum.
An incredible treat for those who want to see something different, unique, which will be remembered for a long time.
The museum consist of thousands of objects from that era; an era in which people had less but were happier… at least some. On site you can buy classics such as the legendary chewing gum Turbo , T-shirts with classics of Polish motorization, i.e. Fiat 125 P, Żuk and also fly away to the land of Diora, Commodore and many others.
100% recommendation, a place worth visiting !!
Times, tickets, directions and information: Muzeum Sentymentów – Wehikuł do czasów PRL – już otwarty! (